Monday, December 3, 2012

When Racial Quotas At Top Universities Go Too Far

The other day, I was talking to an acquaintance about college entrance exams, and how hard it was to get into some of the top colleges and universities. Their daughter has been nothing short of a stellar student, and dedicated herself to her studies. She graduated with honors, was involved in nonprofit groups, and even a member of the student government in high school. She plays a musical instrument, and sports.

Now then, this Asian gal with a 4.5 GPA is wicked smart, yet she gets a rejection notice from Stanford University Admissions, not due to academics, in fact she's practically over qualified, but rather because of her ethnicity, she's Asian and the college says they already have too many Asian students, and need more kids from other ethnicities. I know this is common to all colleges, yet, I feel that this is ridiculous and it is reverse discrimination. Have we lost our marbles in America?

Why would we want under qualified people graduating from Stanford who are lesser, as these kids with those degrees will be hired into the top levels of our society. This is crazy if you ask me, but I can recall that my track scholarship went to someone of a different race less academically and athletically qualified too, and this was 25 years ago, so we keep changing the rules and cheating people out of their rewards for excellence, which I might add goes against everything this nation stands for.

When the top universities and colleges in this country do not accept the smartest and best candidates, and lower their standards based on someone's race, perhaps so their college yearbook pictures look like the United Nations, we have a problem. In the United States we stand for excellence, and the best person should get the job, and the opportunity. Not someone who didn't try, or didn't try hard enough. In this case study, she obviously deserved the spot, but it was reserved for someone of any other nationality besides Asian because they already had too many Asian students that had applied.

This is just terrible, and it's happening at all the Ivy League schools across our country. It's bad because businesses and governments recruit from those top schools for the highest positions. If you have a graduate degree from Stanford, Yale, Wharton, Harvard, or any of the others you can write your own ticket. You could be practically running our country someday, or work in a very high capacity in a major Corporation. Don't we want the best people involved who can make the best decisions, and have applied themselves, and work hard, and therefore deserve it.

If not, well, look what we have now? We are constantly catching the top people in our government and corporations for fraud, and we have terrible decision-making leading to unintended consequences that affects the rest of us out here in society and civilization. Not to mention the United States leads the world, so what we do here affects the rest world.

We should only be putting the best of the best into the best schools. The future of our civilization depends on it, and perhaps the future of the world. You may not think it's that serious, but I do, and I think our racial quota system at are top universities has gone entirely too far. Please consider all this and think on it.

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