Monday, December 3, 2012

Stockholders Unite!

More and more Americans own corporate stocks because of the development of mutual funds. Americans would rather invest in mutual or other funds than save money in savings banks.

Corporation stock prices are predicated upon the expectations of profits now or in the future. Profits are the bottom line on a corporation's financial statement. Generally salaries are the largest expense affecting the profit of a corporation. The salaries of those running a company are a part of that expense. Therefore, overpaying top executives is actually a drag on stock prices. A corporate board really concerned about seeing the company thrive, would give officers more reasonable salaries. That action would make bottom lines better. Lowering the expectations of future executives would then lower rewards.

The duty of the board of directors is to see that the company does well, primarily to benefit the company's stockholders. This does not seem to be the case based upon the past actions of many corporate boards. Boards seem to represent themselves and their own interests. Many board of directors give themselves golf club memberships. How do golf club memberships advance corporate interests? How does supporting charities and lobbying governments or political parties represent all stockholders interest? It may not be the desire of socially conscious stockholders to lobby the government at the disadvantage of the general public. Avoiding paying taxes may offend those shareholders who are patriotic. If the boards took actual votes from stockholders and obtained more than a plurality of support, then these expenses would be acceptable. Stockholders are the actual owners of the company, not the boards. There are nine members of the Supreme Court who hardly ever all agree. How can anyone expect all stockholders to agree on any issue? If the boards did not spend corporate money on non-business activities, stock prices would be higher and stockholders would have more in dividends. The stockholders could then personally support the activities that the corporations had previously supported.

It is understood that corporations do keep aside money to use for reinvestment or for potential growth. Expanding a business is a worthwhile and legitimate activity of any business.

How do stockholders react to perceived or actual abuses? They really can't! Stockholders only obtain proxy forms that offer a method of voting with stated candidates. The people who are chosen as candidates are insiders who will never rock the boat. Mutual fund managers, bank trust officers or others who manage large holdings of other owners will do better if the corporations in their group's portfolios do better. They can offer other names to be voted upon since they control large blocks of corporate votes. (This can actually be done now, but with little success.) That could then expand the basis of voting for other fund managers to support. This could potentially cause a change in corporate thinking and hopefully promote increases in the bottom lines of corporate profits, which would make stock prices higher. That would benefit everyone. Stockholders would have more spending money by way of larger dividends.

An example of what corporations face! Drug companies have been spending large sums in lobbying congress, in order to protect the prices of their drugs from competition. It can be assumed that a large minority of drug company stockholders are seniors, thus major consumers of drugs. Would these senior stockholders prefer seeing the companies they have stocks in making bigger profits or obtain lower prices for the drugs they rely upon? The answer to that question is lower prices. That answer probably goes for large pension or retirement funds that probably own drug company stock.

Maybe a better day will come where corporations will be more civic minded and support the nations needs as well as their own board members interests. Right now corporations seem to be serving their own parochial interests to the disadvantage of workers, stockholders or financially supporting the country that helped them initially thrive.

The Death Penalty - Ineffective, Irrational and Fiscally Irresponsible   Building Cultural Icons and Tearing Them Down - It's Wrong and Even Those Who Do, Know It   China's Stealth Fighter-Bombers and the US Military's Political Sequestration Problems Pondered   Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   

Truths About Democrats They Don't Want You to Know

Are you a Democrat? Why is that? Have you ever stopped to think about what the Democrats are about and whether or not they really represent your values?

Some people don't care one way or the other, while there are those who haven't really thought about it.

Any decent person will not remain associated with the Democratic Party once he knows the truth about them. Most people do not know their dark and evil history. They just happen to be Democrats because their parents or friends were Democrats. They were led to believe that the Democrats were for "the little guy" and champions of causes for those who were just ordinary working middle class folks.

A Call from Ministers to Exit

There have been a number of ministers, particularly in the black community, who have been calling for Christians to "Exodus Now" from the Democrat Party. Why would they say this?

Bishop E.W. Jackson, Chairman of Ministers Taking a S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True to America's National Destiny) gave such a message to Christians in the black community. He said "It is time to end the slavish devotion to the Democrat party. They have insulted us, used us, and manipulated us. They have saturated the black community with ridiculous lies." He continued "They think we are stupid and that these lies will hold us captive while they violate everything we believe as Christians."

The time has come to set the record straight. All Americans, especially the 90 percent of black Americans who vote for Democrats, deserve to know the Democratic Party's hidden history.

Why Has This Been Suppressed?

People don't know what they don't know, because the Democratic Party has worked hard to keep it hidden. Democrats do this because they only care about their own power, control and money, and they will do anything to keep those things. They are not for America but for themselves as a political force, and a bad one at that as I will explain.

Here are several reasons why the public doesn't know:

The public education system - it is a costly, ineffective mess when it comes to really preparing students for their future, and certainly doesn't cover much history Ignorance - people do not know because of plain old ignorance. They won't get this from school and they won't get it from the media Laziness - people are not curious enough to question what they hear and research to find out for themselves. They just watch TV and get their news from equally biased sources and take that as truth

An Attempt to Rewrite History

Democrats tend to write the history books. For one thing, they rewrite history in such a way to distort and play down the heritage and achievements of the Republican Party, who has stood in opposition to what Democrats are about.

Democrats work endlessly to convince the American people they are the party that stands with minorities to combat the "evil Republicans." They claim that Republicans are for the wealthy and against anything that would help those in need.

Liberals can only resort to name calling and attacks when challenged. They are incapable of sane, rational discussion. Liberals boast endlessly about their love of diversity and tolerance, but when push comes to shove, they reveal their hypocrisy in strident and bigoted colors. You will witness this behavior when they spew words of hatred and anger to any who oppose them especially conservatives, Christians and Republicans.

Republicans are not perfect or without fault, but when compared to the Democrats, they have a much better record in terms of working to improve life for all the people in the United States.

Democrats have a long and consistent history of deception. Why is that? Look at their behavior for the clue. Everything that is morally questionable is attached to the Democratic Party. They resort to deception because of the shame associated with what they are and represent.

Morals matter. I want those who govern to be of good character - to be righteous and moral, otherwise, how can we trust them?

Racist and Divisive

While they have accused everyone else of being racist - the truth is Democrats themselves are racist and thrive on being divisive. That's why they always make race an issue. They don't see "people," they see "black people" and "white people" and "brown people" etc. They are about hate. The Democrats and the KKK are blood brothers. The Democrats don't want people to know this, particularly young Americans who have attended public schools where these facts are never mentioned.

The Democrats and the Democratic Party ran the old South. They were so determined to keep blacks in slavery they were willing to go to Civil War over it.

After the South lost the Civil War, Democrats created a surrogate form of slavery by enacting so-called black codes and Jim Crow laws. These laws were designed to strip blacks of basic rights and privileges, such as employment and voting rights. It was the Democrats, not the Republicans who robbed the freedmen of all personal autonomy and decision-making power in their own lives.

In most areas of the South, leadership of the Ku Klux Klan and the Democratic Party were indistinguishable, and the white supremacist Democrats used the Klan to eliminate Republican opposition, assassinating many Republican officeholders and intimidating countless others to maintain power and control.

The Democratic politicians, the Ku Klux Klan and newspapers formed an "Iron Triangle" to work together to make sure Democrats stayed in power to dominate blacks even after they were freed. The media today serves their purposes in biased, slanted and altered news stories.

Any blacks or whites who refused to vote Democrat suffered at the hands of the racist Democrats-Ku Klux Klan and were lynched, beaten or killed. It didn't matter whether they beat and killed men, women or children.

Where the Credit Belongs

The Republicans, not the Democrats passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments giving the newly freed slaves citizenship and the right to vote. It was the Republicans who were the champions of civil rights, and not the Democrats as they want Americans to believe.

Did you know that the Republican Party began as a civil rights movement? That's right. On July 6, 1854, in Jackson, Michigan they had their first meeting with the mission to end slavery and ensure equality for black Americans. And it was Republican President Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves. Democrats do not deserve any credit for this and for their so-called civil rights work in the 1960s under JFK and LBJ. Both of these men were not "for" civil rights as much as people have been led to believe. Johnson himself was a big racist.

Blacks began as Republicans and worked with the Republican Party leadership from the Civil War period forward. When the Great Depression came, it was brutal on all Americans, but its effects on blacks were devastating. Low education and high poverty rates made blacks economically vulnerable. That meant the political climate was ripe for exploitation.

Where the Credit Does Not Belong

Like most Americans, many blacks, struggling to survive, were taken in by the great American "savior" Franklin D. Roosevelt. They bought into his promises to use the government to take care of citizens and their needs. The alphabet soup of New Deal programs FDR set in motion were especially popular among the poor who saw they had the most to gain from government assistance. Yet FDR turned a cold shoulder to the cause of advancing black civil rights.

New Deal programs were not active in any direct way in promoting civil rights legislation. And Democratic leaders in Congress vigorously opposed any civil rights legislation. President Roosevelt depended on Southern political leaders and did not push them very hard.

Liberals argue that FDR's social policies and income redistribution were advantageous to black Americans and the poor. But the truth is exactly the opposite - FDR's New Deal policies prolonged joblessness for millions of Americans and were especially devastating for blacks.

Throughout the history of the United States, hardly any of the Democratic presidents were strongly in favor of civil rights or equality for blacks. Woodrow Wilson in particular was another bigoted Democrat. Bill Clinton for all his talk of multiculturalism and a government that "looked like America," didn't respect people of color enough to put them in positions of real authority and influence.

In fact, Republican George W. Bush, who is talked about in the most disrespectful way by Democrats, actually did far more in terms of putting minorities in positions of authority. For example, he had the first and second black secretary of state, the first black National Security Advisor and the first Latino attorney general.

The way history records things is that whoever happens to be President at the time, they get the credit. But a lot of Republican law makers who worked behind the scenes are the real heroes. So since FDR Democrats have convinced blacks they are "for them." Not true.

But let me move on to another disgusting fact about the Democrats.

If you ever seen a case where a black was stoned, lynched, tarred and feathered, or prevented from voting, the person or persons who did this to them was most likely a Democrat. That's because they have been guilty of lynching, beating and killing black folks over the entire history of the United States! But now they have cleverly gotten black folks to help them do it.

The Plan of Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood gets its funding from the Democrats. So when people vote for Democrats they also vote for killing black babies through abortion under the guise of "women's health care." And they are making big money while distracting the public with accusations against anyone who opposes them for their evils.

As far back as the 1939 Negro Project, they did not want it to get out that "we want to exterminate the Negro population" according to Planned Parenthood's racist founder Margaret Sanger.

The National Black Prolife Coalition exposes Planned Parenthood as the number one killer of Blacks. Abortion is responsible for 363,705 black deaths per year. A black baby is five times more likely to be killed in the womb than a white baby. The CDC even found Black mothers get abortions at a 300 percent higher per capita rate than other races.

But wait, there's more.

Waste, Inefficiency and Intrusiveness

We can thank Democrats for waste and inefficiency along with intrusiveness. Here are a few things they are noted for:

Democrats have exploded the size and reach of the federal government way beyond anything the founders intended Democrats have no respect for individual rights, privacy and the like Democrats are fiscally irresponsible - Their solutions are always a costly waste of billions of dollars to create labor-intensive administrative bureaucracies employing thousands of Paper Pushers who don't produce a thing but instead just fill forms to put into file cabinets and databases Democrats always exaggerate and underestimate the real cost of their nightmare programs which should have been handled by businesses or organizations at the state level Democrats make unfounded, unsubstantial, outrageous claims Democrats distort the facts - all in a desperate attempt to get people to vote for them Democrats act irrationally, and when caught lying, guilty, wrong, etc., quickly fabricate some insane excuse rather than own up and admit they were wrong

Democrats are the primary cause of the plagues of the black community. It is because of the Democrats that the large African American community is the great exception to the spread of American prosperity. This was particularly critical during the 1950s and 1960s when the United States became, in the words of economist John Kenneth Galbraith, the "affluent society," in which an opulent consumer lifestyle came within reach of nearly everyone. These are some effects of their actions:

Rampant out-of-wedlock birthrates Soaring incarceration rates Disappointing educational attainment The failed "War on Poverty" And many more ills

New Victims Must Beware

Democrats are already targeting Latinos and even illegal immigrants as new sources of votes once the numbers of blacks have fallen off.

They already got women and gays supporting them by playing the "victim card." It is only a matter of time before the emotional and physical scars show up as a result of following the ill-conceived advice of the Democrats. If you ever suspected something wasn't quite right about the Democrats, you now see your concerns were justified. Americans have been bamboozled.

Decent, God-Fearing Folks, Listen Up

This has always been a battle between good and evil. No one can believe anything the Democrats say. The truth is likely to be the exact opposite. This includes accusations they make about the Republicans. They have been telling us how "evil" the Republicans are.

Jesus said the devil is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44 - You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

The fact is that the Democratic Party is anti-God. Anyone who professes faith in God, in Jesus Christ his Son, must not clearly understand why association with that party is inconsistent with their claim to be followers of God. This is why black ministers have spoken out calling on Christians to exit the Democrat Party.

As a Christian believer it is clear from the fruit the source behind the Democrats is not God. Their tactics match those of Satan whom Jesus in John 10:10 called "the thief" who is out to do the following:

To Steal - as in taking your hard-earned money through all their taxes To Kill - as in continuing their KKK legacy of lynching, beating and killing by now supporting and funding the termination of millions of potential new American citizens and convincing women it is okay through their racist partner Planned Parenthood To Destroy - as in families, the American way of life, everything God-fearing, freedom-loving people hold dear

Bishop Jackson says "It is time for Christians to have the faith and courage to refuse to associate with a political party that has over the years become anti-Christian, anti-church, anti-Bible, anti-life, anti-family and anti-God." Amen brother, Amen. I suspect there are many, many people who never knew this.

American Blacks don't need the Democratic Party. They need us, but we certainly don't need them. Let's turn to each other, strengthen our families (at least what's left of them) turn to our churches and rebuild our communities.

To be sure the Republican Party isn't perfect or without fault. In comparison to the Democrats, however, its record of support for equality and justice is sterling. From its founding to this point today, Republicans have supported equality and justice. On the other hand, Democrats have literally had to be forced kicking and screaming to support justice and equality.


Don't just take my word about any of this. Do your own research and look into history to get to the truth. My curiosity about American history got me started on the road to discovery.

Bad people do bad things and they are not necessarily limited to Democrats. There could be some Democratic politicians who will rethink their association with a political party aligned with evil. They may find that they too don't really agree with what the party represents.

Republicans need to do a better job of stating their case and explaining in simple terms how things work. They need to reach out to those who have stood on the sidelines with fears and doubts about their intentions.

People need to be reminded of the painful, brutal, and shocking truth about the party that actually took civil rights away. It is linked to what is morally questionable, satanic and evil. Are you sure you want to be a part of that?

The Death Penalty - Ineffective, Irrational and Fiscally Irresponsible   Building Cultural Icons and Tearing Them Down - It's Wrong and Even Those Who Do, Know It   China's Stealth Fighter-Bombers and the US Military's Political Sequestration Problems Pondered   Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   

The Loyal Raccoon

While walking home one May evening I came across a baby raccoon on the side of the road. It was curled up on its side peacefully. It looked asleep, but it was dead. I passed it on the way home and it had gained a companion. Another small raccoon had joined the first, nuzzling its dead sibling with its nose. As I got close to get a picture I talked soothingly to it (much to the amusement and disdain of a family friend). Even when I was about five feet away it didn't run, but rather stayed as we left, sitting a silent vigil.

Animals have been known to be very loyal. Several pets have been known to stay with their companions - be it human or animal - after death or during emergencies. Hachi, a famous canine example of this, has a movie made in honor of his life of waiting by the train station for his Master, who died of a heart attack while at work [1]. Pudding, a large tomcat, saved his owners life when she was having a seizure in her sleep and he woke up her son to get help [2]. There are TV shows, books, and websites dedicated to honoring pet heroes. Animals have been known to follow their owners around the house or even when they are abandoned.

I've begun to wonder if humans show the same level of loyalty. Of the 2,315,000 marriages in 2000, 19% of them ended in divorce. In 2010, the number of marriages had dropped by 219,000, while the population total had increased [3]. Many couples I know live together unmarried, and while I am not going to argue if its right to do that, it seems like animals lately have displayed more loyalty than humans.

When a dog will stay at a train station in rain or shine - 'for better or worse' - for his friend that is not coming home why won't couples fight harder to save marriages? When a cat saves its owner the same day it is adopted why will friends allow themselves to split because of arguments? When a raccoon will sit vigil with a dead sibling why do some people take theirs for granted?

I'm not perfect, but I do believe one of the qualities lacking in society is loyalty.

1. Hawkins, Katheryn. "Hachiko: The World's Most Loyal Dog." Gimundo. Hawkins Multimedia, April 26, 2010. Web. 4 Jun 2012..

2. Coffey, Laura. "Cat named Pudding rescues owner hours after his adoption." MSNBC, 2012. Web. 4 Jun 2012.

3. "National Marriage and Divorce Rate Trends." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention., January 10, 2010. Web. 4 Jun 2012..

The Death Penalty - Ineffective, Irrational and Fiscally Irresponsible   Building Cultural Icons and Tearing Them Down - It's Wrong and Even Those Who Do, Know It   China's Stealth Fighter-Bombers and the US Military's Political Sequestration Problems Pondered   Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   

The Willing Farm Laborer From Another Country

Many are referring to the illegal immigration condition today as a "crisis". It is certainly true that by shears numbers alone, this is an issue that is beyond control. There are more than ten-million immigrants in the United States who currently have no legal green card status. This article will not discuss the pros and cons of immigration. Rather, an in depth look will be taken from the perspective of the willing workers, who takes advantage of the lack of political will to do anything, to come to this country and make a better living than they otherwise do in their native countries.

The willing migrant worker is drawn by strong market forces. The worker may have a specific skill in masonry, for example, or no skill other than a willingness to work hard for two-thirds of each day. In the United States, the labor-intensive, lower paying jobs are not desirable, mainly because of high unemployment benefits that are long-lasting. In other words, the United States is paying its citizens not to work at these jobs. This provides the opportunity, and the incentive for migrant workers to take a risk to come into the country, and work at these jobs.

The first risk that the migrant worker faces is the border crossing, itself. This is usually done at a relatively high cost to a someone who is in the business of getting workers across the border. Once a successful crossing is made, the same coordinator may also have connections to regional "coyotes" who broker with the employers and the workers to get the two together for a time. Sometimes, the migrant worker gets a loan from their new employer to pay the coyote, in advance, and then works off the loan as part of the labor agreement.

While the workers are at a particular job, they generally are confined to the property on which they are working. Since they have no legal status, they are unable to go to town, shop in stores, or generally be found off-premises for fear of being apprehended by the authorities. If apprehended, the process simply repeats. They can re-enter the country, pay another coyote, and continue their work somewhere else.

In general, working conditions are livable, and somewhat comparable to the working conditions found in the migrant workers home country. Usually the worker is employed at one location for a few years, and then either returns home, or finds another location to continue working. The average illegal worker is preparing to return home to a better living situation there.

Given the high number of workers needed to work, and the lack of any comprehensive permanent residence status for workers from other countries, the time is ripe to look for a suitable political solution to this issue.

The Death Penalty - Ineffective, Irrational and Fiscally Irresponsible   Building Cultural Icons and Tearing Them Down - It's Wrong and Even Those Who Do, Know It   China's Stealth Fighter-Bombers and the US Military's Political Sequestration Problems Pondered   Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   

When Racial Quotas At Top Universities Go Too Far

The other day, I was talking to an acquaintance about college entrance exams, and how hard it was to get into some of the top colleges and universities. Their daughter has been nothing short of a stellar student, and dedicated herself to her studies. She graduated with honors, was involved in nonprofit groups, and even a member of the student government in high school. She plays a musical instrument, and sports.

Now then, this Asian gal with a 4.5 GPA is wicked smart, yet she gets a rejection notice from Stanford University Admissions, not due to academics, in fact she's practically over qualified, but rather because of her ethnicity, she's Asian and the college says they already have too many Asian students, and need more kids from other ethnicities. I know this is common to all colleges, yet, I feel that this is ridiculous and it is reverse discrimination. Have we lost our marbles in America?

Why would we want under qualified people graduating from Stanford who are lesser, as these kids with those degrees will be hired into the top levels of our society. This is crazy if you ask me, but I can recall that my track scholarship went to someone of a different race less academically and athletically qualified too, and this was 25 years ago, so we keep changing the rules and cheating people out of their rewards for excellence, which I might add goes against everything this nation stands for.

When the top universities and colleges in this country do not accept the smartest and best candidates, and lower their standards based on someone's race, perhaps so their college yearbook pictures look like the United Nations, we have a problem. In the United States we stand for excellence, and the best person should get the job, and the opportunity. Not someone who didn't try, or didn't try hard enough. In this case study, she obviously deserved the spot, but it was reserved for someone of any other nationality besides Asian because they already had too many Asian students that had applied.

This is just terrible, and it's happening at all the Ivy League schools across our country. It's bad because businesses and governments recruit from those top schools for the highest positions. If you have a graduate degree from Stanford, Yale, Wharton, Harvard, or any of the others you can write your own ticket. You could be practically running our country someday, or work in a very high capacity in a major Corporation. Don't we want the best people involved who can make the best decisions, and have applied themselves, and work hard, and therefore deserve it.

If not, well, look what we have now? We are constantly catching the top people in our government and corporations for fraud, and we have terrible decision-making leading to unintended consequences that affects the rest of us out here in society and civilization. Not to mention the United States leads the world, so what we do here affects the rest world.

We should only be putting the best of the best into the best schools. The future of our civilization depends on it, and perhaps the future of the world. You may not think it's that serious, but I do, and I think our racial quota system at are top universities has gone entirely too far. Please consider all this and think on it.

The Death Penalty - Ineffective, Irrational and Fiscally Irresponsible   Building Cultural Icons and Tearing Them Down - It's Wrong and Even Those Who Do, Know It   China's Stealth Fighter-Bombers and the US Military's Political Sequestration Problems Pondered   Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   

If Someone Calls You A Member of the Tea Party - It's a Compliment

Not long ago someone tried to label me as a member of the Tea Party. Then, they quickly took back their comments thinking that I might be offended by that. I'm not, not the least. I feel as if the tea party is filled with great Americans who very much care about this country, but they've been completely maligned by the news media and the left-wing socialists, not to mention the majority of Democrats. I find this rather unfortunate because many things the Tea Party believes, most Americans agree are part of the problem that we have in Washington DC.

You see, the often maligned Tea Party is an interesting phenomena, and there is nothing wrong with their main focus, they are right, and if you have misgivings of this group or folks who align themselves with that political signature, that's only because they've been trashed in the media by the leftists which run a large number of our news stations here at home, plus much of the news media in Europe such as BBC and others there.

Indeed, I see the Tea Party as filled with strong Americans and it would not be offensive for you to call me a Tea Party member, I'd gladly accept such designation, although I do agree some go too far with their rhetoric at times, but that's a very small minority, and we seem to give the Democrats a break for their radical elements. Indeed, Obama's most vocal supporters go quite extreme the other way - so, the hard-core tea partiers are a balance in that regard. Good to have them on board. I am quite concerned with ACCORN and other left-wing groups which Obama has been quite close too, especially in his prior career as a "community protest organizer". You see, there is no honor in that, in my opinion.

Everything about Obama Care smacks of socialism. The attempt to take over the industry, issue price controls, and give free-health care to those who can't pay without any responsibility on their part. Further, and it's already happening and we will get more and more doctors and hospitals who refuse Medicare patients, then we will have shortages, and the price will continue to rise and really isn't that always what happens with socialist strategies when free-market capitalism is hijacked? Mandated purchasing of insurance is completely unconstitutional, it goes against the "right to free contract" and whether it's called a tax or whatever is immaterial to what it is.

There's nothing wrong with the Tea Party. In fact, I would submit to you that many of the founding fathers would have applauded citizens coming together to demand a fiscally responsible government, and one that would honor their constitutional rights for freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness along with all of the stipulations in the Bill of Rights. So, if or when someone calls you a member of the Tea Party, that my friend is a compliment because all great Americans think like that. Please consider all this and think on it.

The Death Penalty - Ineffective, Irrational and Fiscally Irresponsible   Building Cultural Icons and Tearing Them Down - It's Wrong and Even Those Who Do, Know It   China's Stealth Fighter-Bombers and the US Military's Political Sequestration Problems Pondered   Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   

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